Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Free Public Police Records Your Ultimate Guide

Free public police records online databases can indeed be literal lifesavers. The slightest driving citation, to public misdemeanor tickets, and even multiple cases resulting in time behind bars can now be accessed by anyone who wants to check the background of one or more individuals. Most, if not all employers now use free public police records in order to ascertain a job applicant's personal history, residence and employment history, and even financial standing. Police clearance, which is often also part of these aforementioned records, is also almost always compulsory for people who have to work with the elderly, with children, and the infirm.

Some parents use these databases also as a discreet way of checking up on their child's teachers, coaches, baby sitters – and maybe their kid's boyfriend, or two. Seriously speaking though, even educational establishments access free public police records once in a while to safeguard the children's welfare, especially if their students seem to be having more than just school-based problems. They can do this by accessing any record that may detail domestic disturbance of any kind. Employers in financial institutions and those who offer security services also peruse these databases to ascertain the background of job applicants.

At the same time, free public police records hold official clearance reports for a lone entrepreneur or a medium scale company or a large corporation, which can be useful in checking up on companies that may be dabbling exclusively on money, such as lending establishments and those that provide all manner of loans. But other types of businesses could also be accessed too, just so a person can determine the legality of their transactions. Some personal certifications may also be needed for different purposes, like background checks on potential foster and adoptive parents.

Some states have free public police records that allow the user to freely explore all documented police cases. These would be best accessed through one or more websites that offer such services since the information would already be presented in order. On the other hand, other states have more restricted access. This does not mean that these records are off limits per se; these are free and publicized records after all.
It simply means that the agency needs more authorization before releasing more sensitive information (like a person's financial standing, current place of residence, etc.) If such is the case, it would be best to present yourself in person at the police station (not the website's physical place of business) where the files are being held. Authorization may include: a signed letter of consent (either from the person being checked upon or from legal representatives,) fingerprints or signed release forms.

Now some people may raise some concern as to their own personal privacy and safety, especially if they do have standing records with the police. However, the law dictates that the use of the aforementioned information should be severely restricted, as mandated by federal law. Free public police records should never be used for discrimination (of any type,) employment inconsistencies, harassment and unfair treatment.
For in-depth reviews of online public records programs, check out Brian Benson's Public Records reviews on

How To Get Free Divorce Records

In today's world, marriage is a legal process in all civilized countries. Needless to say, it's very much so in the US. As such, to end a marriage, it's befitting that another legal process is in order. As with marriage, Divorce Records Illinois are maintained by the state department. In the state of Illinois, the original Divorce Records remain with the circuit court clerk in the county where the divorce was granted.

However, free divorce record search is often offered by some commercial record providers as an inducement for their service. It will indicate the existence of a particular record although fees would be involved to order it. At a basic level, the information contained in a divorce record file includes the personal particulars of the couple and the children, details surrounding and resulting from the marriage dissolution such as time and place, reason and settlement and so forth.

Illinois Divorce Records go under the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records. For a fee of $5, the facts of a divorce can be verified if it is listed on the index which is organized by the husband's name. It must also fall within the period of 1962 and the current index date. Data outside the period or certified copies of any Illinois records have to be obtained directly from the county clerk where the divorce took place.

If you have the time and interest, the Illinois Department of Health and Illinois State Archives are good starting points for conducting divorce record search. Fees may be involved but they are typically nominal and are for covering admin and operational expenses rather than the information itself. Numerous private websites provide free online search but there are usually strings attached.

For some reason, Free Public Divorce Records are not so readily provided by government agencies in Illinois. They are virtually only obtainable at the original county where it occurred. Besides the county divorce records in Illinois state authorities provide zilch but for a state divorce index at the Illinois Department of Public Health that's hardly adequate for any practical purpose. Fortunately, there're plenty of commercial record providers offering Illinois records online along with those of other states.

People who were married before and now applying for a marriage license in a different state must produce the divorce records from the previous one. Yet, state databases are not linked. It's as if to deliberately make life difficult for such folks and hope that they learn their lesson. Of course, there's really an official reason that sits better, that is to prove their eligibility for marriage.

For in-depth reviews of online public records programs, check out Brian Benson's Public Records reviews on